Consultancy and Mentoring

Do get in touch to discuss any specific consultancy, mentoring, troubleshooting, facilitation, leadership development or team development requirements you may have.


Before I moved into management roles, my specialisms were management information and business intelligence software, including sales management, helping people define the information they need to effectively run their organisations. This included analysing project requirements. I also worked in a troubleshooting capacity on a number of projects.

I occasionally take on work in these areas:

  • Facilitation of project kick-off meetings.

  • Reviews and interviewing project stakeholders.

  • Facilitation of review meetings.

  • Project troubleshooting.

  • Optimising management information.


I work with a number of people who have specific management or leadership challenges and like someone outside of their situation to talk with. They may be very experienced or have had little or no management training or good role models. Where appropriate I draw on my experiences, skills and management training. I work with people at all levels of management from first time managers through to board level leaders.

I also work with young people who are starting their careers and need some support and encouragement.